Thursday, May 24, 2007

Honesty at work

The guy who sits next to me is finally working! I thought this day would never come!. Oh!, he stops again, at least he is honest, he doesn’t pretend “to be working” like others here, he just says “let’s see what is happening in the world” and surfs in internet to see local and international news and the weather. I am always informed thanks to him, thank you my colleague!

Do you have someone like this at your place of work? Are you this guy in your office? People should be thankful to you guys, I am! The problem is that I cannot say that directly, but I find this post as the best way to say it.

Grateful Mac

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Do you feel like operatin’?

Dr. Mac

Monday, May 07, 2007

Are you talkin’ to me?

Sometimes I talk to myself … heeeyyy don’t judge me! How often do you sick bastards talk to yourselves!? Ah?! Tell me the truth! Think about it! … And then say what you have to say…to yourselves, or leave me a post!

Anyway, the point is, I do this and all the time, it doesn’t matter if I’m on my way to the work, brushing my teeth, watching a movie, walking, in front of my computer, etc… I usually do this on silence, but sometimes (usually when there is people around) I do this in a not so quiet way, but It is unconscious! Then I realize that I was having my conversation in the wrong decibel level. But don’t misinterpret this, I don’t shout my thoughts, it is more less like mumbling my thoughts, in any case, the people look at me with the “are you ok?” face and then I need to ask if the bus just passed, what time is it, or something, anything! So they don’t think I am crazy self talker.

I have a theory about why I do speak with myself; this involves the people around me. I don’t know why but I am like a magnet for the I-can-not-stop-talking-people, yes, I blame you people! Most of the time the conversations between me and someone are like monologs with small interventions from my side like “aha”, “mh”, “and then?”, “I see”, “what are you going to do?”, “see you later” and so on. The bad part is that I believe these people needs to be listened and at some point I just loose my attention (after five or six seconds) and I just do the mh, aha part and think another stuff, like day-dreaming, what I’m going to have for dinner, why he use that horrible tie, don’t you see I’m in a hurry?, are those real? etc.
Therefore, I have no chance to talk… but with myself! The bad part is that my conversations are short and everything but interesting… for example I had this conversation today:
Me: do you think that talking to yourself it’s stupid?
Myself: maybe
Me: I think is not stupid.
Myself: maybe

See? There is no point in discussing with myself!. Either I’m always going to agree with me or going nowhere!, Then maybe, just maybe it is stupid to have a conversation between me and myself… so… I have made some research to see if I am going crazy or I’m just stupid.
It just happens that not, I am not crazy… I’m just having “intrapersonal communication”, this sounds cool and it is good enough for me. But I you feel that this talking to yourself it is weird or want to do something about it. I recommend these two possibilities between the 245,000 results google just found for “talking to yourself”

You could use this talking to yourself as therapy! Man, this sounds great!!! The thing that you tought was “driving you insane” could actually help you to find the path to yourself and making you a better person!


You could use hypnosis if you want to stop talking to yourself

Probably I could try the second one, my conversations are sooo boring and short… I don’t gain any knowledge and I always agree with myself in some point… what is that for a conversation!. On the other hand sometimes it is funny to talk with myself… perhaps I’m going to keep this habit for a while and who knows maybe I’m helping me (and myself)!.

Do you talk to yourself?

Self talker Mac

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