Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The ñoñometer.

Last winter was very, very, very cold, so in order to dress me properly for the weather, I used to quickly open the window and “feel” with my hand the outside temperature and the wind factor. Based on my “handmometer” I decided if it was enough to wear a sweater, jacket or a coat, scarf and coat, gloves…ok you got the picture.

But now I decided that I don’t wanna freeze my hand anymore and just decided that one thermometer outside the window will be enough…since it is outside, the wind factor will also influence the thermometer (clever, ah!?).

I thought it was a brilliant idea. But when I told my girlfriend, she just laugh of me. I ask why… she told me I was a ñoño (this is pronounced in English as nionio) for doing that… I think the most appropriate translation will be “nerd”.

Anyway I still think it is a good idea… and I baptized the thermometer as “ñoñometer” the scale is given in ñons, symbol “ñ”, which has the same scale (coincidently) like the Celcius… so… it is very useful.

Well, as Porky the pig used to say: that´s all folks!.

mit berlinischen Gruessen,


At 6:32 PM, Blogger Lilith said...

me parece buena idea.
hace un par de días leí una crítica hacia alguien homofóbico, y le hacía le referencia de un "afeminómetro", jjaja
creo que inventar "----metros", instrumentos de medición, pues, es lo de hoy.

At 2:10 PM, Blogger Ersin said...

hahahahah.. perfect... hahahahhaha.. that is intelligent man..:D Liked it..

me parace buena idea:D

At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cof cof, ñoño !!!

At 11:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Favo,

Long time no see?

I'm agree with you you're a Ñoño, how do you think to use a outside thermometer.

You're a Geek, see you soon.

At 12:13 PM, Blogger Mac said...

yeah as my cousin said... the right word is geek... I am a geek!

At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gracias, ha sido una noche divertida antes de dormir. Confieso que he intentado tambien lo del handmometer pero sin una palabra tan especializada y la verdad me senti tan ñoña en el momento de probarla (en eso estoy de acuerdo con Marianne Peerz) que me rei para mis adentros, guarde mi mano y pense que mi instrumento de medida podia tener poca confiabilidad si pensamos en que las manos de las mujeres en general, incluyendome por supuesto, tienden a estar muy frias.


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